These are the current bylaws for the Summer Village of Mewatha Beach.  If you require a signed copy of a Bylaw, please contact administration at [email protected]

06-24 Bylaw 06-24 Property Tax Installment Payment Plan
05-24 Borrowing bylaw 05-24
04-24 04-24 Fees & Charges Bylaw
03-24 03-24 Code of Conduct Bylaw
02-24 CAO Bylaw 02-24
01-24 Tax Rate Bylaw
03-23 Land Use Bylaw
01-23 Procedural Bylaw
05-22 ARB Bylaw
03-22 Subdivision Authority Bylaw
06-21 SDAB
05-21 Establish Assessor as Designated Officer
04-21 Bylaw Enforcement Officer
03-21 Millrate Bylaw
02-21 Municipal Development Plan Bylaw
01-21 Taxation Discount Bylaw
02-20 Noise Bylaw
05-10 Regulate the Treatment and Disposal of Sewage
04-10 Assessment Complaints Officer - Appointing CRASC
03-10 Assessment Review Board
03-09 Animal Control
01-06 Regulate ATV
03-04 Alta Gas Agreement
02-04 Records Retention
04-99 Assessor Appointment Bylaw
03-99 Access to Information Bylaw
02-99 FOIP
04-98 Traffic Bylaw (amends Bylaw88-94)
04-96 Safety Codes Commission (amends Bylaw 04-95)
08-95 Development Authority
07-95 Subdivision Process Fees
04-95 Safety Codes Commission
01-95 CEO, CAO, Municipal Office
88-94 Traffic Control
77-90 Nuisances and Unsightly (amends Bylaw 22-79 which was amended by 73-90)
75-90 Penalty Provisions for All Bylaws
73-90 Amending Penalty Provisions on Bylaw 22-79
71-90 Mewatha Drive Controlled Road
56-86 Fire Protection Bylaw / County Agreement
53-85 Joint Landfill Site
35-82 Penalties on unpaid taxes
24-80 Skeleton Lake Structure Plan
22-79 Respecting Nuisances, litter, weeds (amends bylaw 73-90 and and amended by Bylaw 77-90)
21-79 Prohibiting Firearm Discharge
20-79 Amendments to Bylaw 03-78
03-78 Prohibit open fires except in designated areas (amended on Bylaw 20-79)